Assessments are for players league age 7 and up
Our final assessments are on Saturday January 18th, and 25th.
You must attend at least one assessment, but attending as many as you can allows for the best assessment.
Assessment times:
League age 7 • 9:30am • North field
League age 8 • 11:00am • North field
League age 9 • 9:00am • South field
League age 10 • 11:00am • South field
League age 11 • 9:00am • Padres field
League age 12 • 11:00am • Padres field
League age 13 • 1:00pm • Padres field
Juniors • 1:00pm • North field (January 18. 25 only)
League age is how old your player will be on August 31st, 2025
Assessments will last approximately 90 minutes. Players should arrive at least 15 minutes before their time to check in (by the snack bar), get their assessment number, and warm up.
Players should bring glove, helmet and cleats (if they have them). Bats will be supplied.